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Bertera Nissan Holiday Season.

Hello all! I just wanted to take a moment and wish you a great holiday season! With Thanksgiving week now in our past.. It’s on to a more merry season. 😉 I do hope all of you enjoyed time with family or that someone special. (even if that person is just u) Here at Bertera Nissan our Christmas...

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Jam Scam made me Think…

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme, Uncategorized | Posted on 19-09-2012


Anyone listen to Jamin 94.5 jam scam this am? Now as funny as it is.. This is a real threat. They made a prank about the woman handing “someone” in service her keys to here brand new car. Now not only was this her first brand new car but she was in for her first service. So without knowing.. In the scam she states clearly she just handed her keys to someone with a dealership shirt on and left.. He told her she is all set. BIG NO NO… Do not leave unless you see a Service Adviser explain what your having done. See a Repair Order Written and sign it inside the Dealership. The real scary issue here is the fact that if this were true she basically gave her car away… I’m not 100% but your insurance may have issues as well.. Were there was no robbery. The dealership is not at fault… You car was never really there.. So besides the jerk who is taking peoples cars.. Who would they look to blame? You… Not that it goes that way but lets aim to avoid this at all costs. So your dealership has lanes to drop off your car in like we have here at Bertera Nissan and porters to park your car. If you have not previously meet these people it will never hurt to go in and ask. Hey.. Is that who I give my keys to. It is even is a great idea. What to take it to the next level of security.. Snap a photo with your phone of the person you gave your keys. We all know your Instagramaccount could use another photo. haha

So in all reality just be aware of whats going on and who you are dealing with. Whether your bringing in your very first New Nissan or a Used Nissan the Service Department at Bertera Nissan has not ever had this happen and we never want it to! I just could not help writing about this today after I heard that Jam Scam this am.. It was funny.. But that is because I knew it was a prank. When you buy your new car.. Make sure you get to know who is in service. And if its your first time in. Make sure you let them know.

That about wraps up my blog entry for today.. Sorry its been so long sense my last and I will get back on here more often!


Here is to you having a great day!

Bertera Nissan