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Got Frontiers?

We have here at Bertera Nissan a GREAT Selection of New Nissan Frontiers for you. Not only are we a great place to Buy a Nissan Frontier but we also have a state of the art service facility as well.  As of this writing (may have changed by the time you read this but) we also we have 1 leftover 2013...

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Happy Halloween!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Holiday, Lifestyle | Posted on 31-10-2012

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Happy Halloween from us at Bertera Nissan

Taking a moment to wish you a safe and Happy Holiday from us at Bertera Nissan!

In the comments we would love to hear what your favorite memory of Halloween has been in the past or present..  Be is a costume you have seen..   I think this mite be the best I have ever seen…

Bertera Nissan Best Halloween Costume


Do you have a costume that can beat the one seen in the image above?  Bertera Nissan would love to hear about it.  I know I would be shocked to see this drive by. Do you know someone that would do this? Only if our Sales Team At Bertera Nissan had thought of this sooner. Imagine waltzing into our Nissan Pre-Owned lot and having a Nissan Car seat jump up to greet you. “Welcome To Bertera Nissan!”  When else could Bertera Nissan really get away with this?  Only in today’s world!  You may want to remember this., because it might just happen next year at our dealership. And, all in good fun of course!  Hope you all have a Great Holiday and now it’s onto Christm…Oh wait, cant skip Thanksgiving!  Even though the shopping outlets would like you to believe it is Christmas before its even Halloween, let’s not forget Thanksgiving! Have you seen all the Christmas gear out before Halloween this year?  We certainly have and, man, it really takes you back a bit. Because Bertera just loves the holidays, especially Halloween, we see this thrilling holiday as one that should really be done up right. Perhaps you think Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday you need to break out all kinds of decorations for, but at least wait until then to put up your mistletoe. Does anyone agree? Let us know in the comments!




Oh hey… While we are here. Who wants a FREE OIL CHANGE.. Yes.. FREE!

Become a Fan on our Bertera Nissan Facebook Fan page and you are entered.  Pretty simple huh..  We thought so too..

Free Oil Change

So to wrap up todays’ rant…   Have yourself a great holiday… A.k.a Halloween!

Thanks for Reading!

Bertera Nissan

Happy Birthday Bertera Nissan

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Bertera Nissan Blogs, Holiday | Posted on 03-10-2012


I was thinking and I always say its my birthday month… My Birthday is in October and its always been a running joke that I celebrate “the month of….” And it dawned on me that it is also the Birthday Month of Bertera Nissan. In Oct 2007 Bancroft Nissan became Bertera Nissan. So as I turn… Yea that is not gonna happen! haha! The Dealership turns 5 this month as well. Not the Building (that is 7 I believe) but being Bertera Nissan in Auburn Ma! I am one of the lucky ones that has been here the entire term.. I actually made the move with Bancroft Nissan from Salem St in Worcester and watched this building being “born”. I have watched the business grow and slow to grow again over the years… As they we aim to be and strive to be Worcesters best Nissan Dealership! We witnessed the Cash for Clunkers bringing in people who mite not of even been in the market at that time.. The Birth of the Electric car has also happened in the last 5 years..

Who would of thought they would be alive the day an 100% electric car was available? Well we all have been! Here is a piece of history that not many know.. Henry Fords wife Clara Ford had a 1914 Detroit Electric Model 47 Brougham. So the electric car has been around for a little while. If you too are considering to get an electric vehicle we recommend to check out this EV Charger Installers service.

But the Nissan Leaf is the first Mass produced Electric car.. We all just didn’t know.. 😉  All in all its been an exciting 5 years here and I just wanted to wish Happy Birthday to Bertera Nissan!

P.S.  October is my Favorite Month!

Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan