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To Text?

Well a great question came up and I would of thought it was a no-brainer.  Is it ok to text a customer? Now I am not saying that you get their number and start texting away. I am asking if you think it ok to ask and would you consider it professional. I have asked a few people and have gotten mixed...

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2018 Nissan Rogue & 2018 Nissan Rogue Sport Walk Through

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Nissan Rogue | Posted on 16-07-2018

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Here is a little video we just uploaded to Bertera Nissan Youtube Channel and Posted on Bertera Nissan Facbook page. Let us know what you think in the comment section.

If you happen to be shopping for a 2018 Nissan Rogue see our 2018 Nissan Rogue Inventory links and Specials here!

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