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Stock or Not?

Are you the type to modify your car with Nissan Accessories, or is your car just used for transportation only? We see many cars a day in our Nissan Service Department, and our dealer is always mixed between cars that are stock (and daily drivers) to the tricked out customs that almost make the car...

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Quick Tip – Nissan Battery – Bertera Nissan

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Do It Yourself :), Uncategorized | Posted on 08-08-2013

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So something came up on our Bertera Nissan FaceBook Fan Page where a car battery would drain after being left for a period of time.  Now something that is not always recommended but can be a great idea if your Nissan is left unattended for a period of time.  Even if your Nissan is not left for long periods of time the Battery Tender can extend the life of your battery.  What really happens when you turn “off” your car?  Well even those we believe it to be off..  There are still items at work.  Even the smallest items that we may never ever think of like the radio holding your stations do take the smallest amount of energy.  Even you miles on the dash take up a little bit.  Over time these little items that we never think about do add up.  They create what is called a draw.  As they draw power from the battery.  Now over night it is not a big deal. In some cases a couple of days or even more may not cause you any alarm.  You get in and your car starts.  But it could cause a dead battery even if your car is left “Off” for an extended period of time.  I am sure you wonder how long it takes but there is not really a gauge for this. So, if you plan to leave your car for anything over a day/night you might want to look into a Battery Tender.  As I stated before even if not you may as it could extend the life of your battery.  A simple fact is that your car battery does not want to be run down.(discharged)  It wants to have a fairly stable amount of charge.  The more run down it gets and the less of a charge it will end up holding.  And when the battery no longer wants to hold a charge. Well that is when it is time to replace the battery.  By placing a Battery Tender on your Nissan it will aim to keep the battery at a full charge.  That makes for a happy battery. I can not say that this will make your battery last forever because it will not, but it could help prolong its life. As well as not leave you with a dead battery, and car, in the am when we are all rushing out the door.  We can only hope this tip can help a few Nissan owners out!  To help those of  you who do not know what a Battery Tender is here is a photo with a brief description.

Battery Tender

  • Complete 4-step charging program (initialization, bulk charge, absorption mode and float mode) that maintains batteries at full charge without overcharging via its 4-step charging system

You can find this particular Battery Tender on Amazon or request one from our Parts/Service center at Bertera Nissan.


Thank you for taking the time to read our rants!


Bertera Nissan


Welcome to Bertera Nissan! Service Center

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Bertera Nissan Blogs, Do It Yourself :) | Posted on 23-07-2013



Hello World!

Well we are going to do something a little different today. I would imagine some of you have never been to Bertera Nissan… Right?  So just in case you decide you want to visit our Bertera Nissan Service Department, how about we show you around and even sell you some pf the car parts for tuning they buy from online stores like shoppok.  We are going to do a little tour. Lets call it Tour by Photo!


Here is what Bertera Nissan looks like from Rt.20 Auburn as you pull onto Oxford Street South.
Frome the Street

From the Street View

As you pull in you will see our Customer Parking for sales is out front
You must also pull around to the front for Bertera Nisssan Service.

Customer Parking

Parking out front for Bertera Nissan Sales/Parts customersSales Customer Parking

If you require service Pull into either of the left bays marked Service.
Service Entrance

If the doors are closed pull right up to them and they will automatically open.

The Express Lane you see to the right is where we perform your Express lube

Bertera Nissan Express Lube can be seen in action by clicking here.

Make sure to pull into one of these two Bays.

Service Entrance

You will be greeted here in the service lane.
Vehicle Drop Off Area

Once your Nissan is tagged head in here to
Bertera Nissan Service Write up area.Entrance to Service Write-Up Area

Write-up Desk. Bring your tag here
and see an Advisor for Write-up.

Service Counter/ Write up area

Tall Tables in the waiting area if you choose
you may work here and use our guest Wi-Fi

High top tables you may choose to work in.

Or lounge in a bit more comfort in our couches.Comfortable Couches to watch TV or Read in While you wait.


Watch the Flat Screen TVFlat Screen TV in the Waiting Area

Have a Complementary water while you wait we
also have FREE Coffee and a vending machine
Our Water Fridge. Have one!

For the kids…
Or the kid in you!

This Machine holds MANY Games.Bertera Nissan Arcade

Parts DisplyParts Display Counter

Bertera Nissan Cashier/Rental AreaCashier and Rental Area







Now that you may be a little familiar with how to get around our Bertera Nissan Service Center here are a few places that might help you find us online.

Here you can Book you Bertera Nissan Service online

And some of our other Bertera Nissan sites

Bertera Nissan Facebook
Bertera Nissan Twitter
Bertera Nissan YouTube
Bertera Nissan Linkedin
Bertera Nissan Website
Bertera Nissan Blog – WordPress
Bertera Nissan Blog -Cast






Driving Tips to Save on Gas

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Do It Yourself :) | Posted on 09-05-2011


Gas Savings Infographic
Via: Auto Repairs

Here are a few tips to help lower your costs on fuel. As we speak gas prices are nearing $4.00 a gallon…  So anything we can do to save that little extra always helps! Even if you do not drive a Hybrid or Electric car you can still do your part to keep a lil extra money in your pocket. I found a few of these tips to be helpful and wanted to share with you. I found these tips from J.D.Rucker on Drivingsales.com. It is always nice to find something worth sharing that can help just about anyone in there day to day activities. I hope you find it as useful as I have.


Have a great day and smile!

Bertera Nissan

Something I found for the D-I-Y out there.

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Do It Yourself :), Just Jereme | Posted on 28-09-2010


Now we all run into project and little things we see other people make. Little things to extravagant items…  Myself.. I do enjoy working outside or in the garage. Yes I do enjoy working on my motorcycle most.  But to see some of the things others come up with. And that you could do too.. Now those are worth sharing. So.. About that. Well I was searching through my type-pad blog and found 2Modern Design Talk and on the main page was a write up about Karen Bertelsen and her DIY Fire Pit for cheap. Now Cheap being the price.. Not the product.  Just so you can get a glimpse of what I mean….


Karens Fire Pit


On her page she goes into great detail on how to make this fire pit in great detail.  I’d suggest taking a look and maybe… Just maybe, you mite find your next project right here. We all know its the season to sit by the fire. So why not have it be one you made.  I think something like this mite be in mine soon… 😉

Again.. Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan