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Bertera Nissan December Deals

Well tis the season.. 🙂  Bertera Nissan has some specials going on for the Holiday season and I wanted to share with everyone I could so I posted them in our Facebook page. Lets face it.. A lot of people just do not get the paper or read it like they have done in the past. Sooo I try to get the...

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Gas Mileage Game – 2013 Nissan Rogue

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme, Uncategorized | Posted on 13-06-2013


Now maybe your wondering what this Gas Mileage Game is..  It is actually really simple and not as much a game unless you make it one. You play by trying to get the best mileage out of your vehicle and mine happens to be a 2013 Nissan Rogue from Bertera Nissan at the moment. I started this game when I got in the Nissan Rogue and at my first tankful of gas with 375 miles with an average of 23.6 I was feeling pretty good.  2013 Nissan Rogue Gas MileageI was so proud of the MPG, so I posted about it on my Facebook wall. But, I was amazed at the responses on Facebook that said: “easy lead foot,” “way to go Mario!” and more. Mind you, the Window Sticker (Monroney sticker) calls for a combined mileage of 24 and I do not drive the highway to or from work.  (About 7 miles each way.) So, my thoughts were that this was good gas mileage in the 2013 Nissan Rogue!
2013 Nissan Rogue Window StickerSo, my excitement of getting what I thought was good gas mileage was brought to an abrupt end. But that is where the game comes in! Now I am on a mission to better the gas mileage. You might be the type who fills their gas tank when you visit the gas station or the other type like me. I tend to put in $10 here and $20 there occasionally a little more or less. As I type this I see how little sense it makes but I do it anyways. Now with that being said I have what I would consider about 2 tanks down with 659 Miles on the 2013 Nissan Rogue. I would love to be able to ask you what I am at now.. But I will just show you.

2013 Nissan Rogue Gas Mileage

24.7 Miles per gallon is my average as we speak! I am feeling pretty good about it as well. I have heard rumors of people getting north of 27 Mpg in their 2013 Nissan Rogue but have not reached that in mine. I will say that very minimal highway driving was done in this 659 miles and I could see getting more if I had a longer commute and it included mainly highway miles. A majority of mine have just been commuting back and forth to work that whole 7 miles down route 12 in Oxford and the back road into Auburn, MA, that brings me to work at Bertera Nissan.


So I left work yesterday and drove to the gym in Dudley. Then, I went to a friend’s house in Worcester, MA, to watch the Bruins game. Just that little bit on the highway, and bam look at that average miles per gallon!

2013 Nissan Rogue Gas Mileage25 Miles Per Gallon is my average after a short trip down 395 and 290 from Oxford to Worcester back (and to work this morning). Now that I know I can def. get more.. I am very interested to see what others get for Gas Mileage in their own Nissan Rogues.  So, I am asking you! Leave a comment below,  post a photo to our Bertera Nissan Facebook fan Page, send in a photo to our website, or any way you would like to contact us. We want to know what you get for gas mileage in your Nissan. Do you play the Gas Mileage Game?  If not, think you will try it? Or, are you  a “lead foot” driver and would rather experience the thrill?

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to your input on this one.

Keep Smiling,

Bertera Nissan – Jereme

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This paragraph offers clear idea for the new visitors of blogging, that actually how to do running a blog.

[…] My Demo at the moment as you know is the 2013 Nissan Rogue if you have been following my Gas Mileage Game at all. I am averaging 25.6 MPG in the 2013 Nissan Rogue I am driving at the moment with just a wee […]

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