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Snow Days at Bertera Nissan of Auburn

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Holiday, Just Jereme, Lifestyle | Posted on 08-11-2012





What do they mean to you? At Bertera Nissan in Auburn Ma it might be a little bit of a different story than it is to you or how it has been in the past. Do you remember waiting or watching the new to see if your school rolled by on the bottom of the screen. Probably the only time you would even watch the news as most time was spent outside playing. Watching ever so carefully as not to miss your school go by and when you did see it run to the kitchen to get the house phone to call your closest friends homes. You even knew their phone numbers.  No smart phone. No Facebook. No Twitter. No Social media. I would go so far as to say no E-mail and also no visiting any kinds of website too.  Some of you might of had it but even those that did either barley checked it or didn’t reply. It was mainly for the chain e-mails and jokes to read and pass along. AOL was king! We collected an e-mail address from a customer the other day with an AOL account and it even sparked up a conversation.  Where did they go? Web browser, Instant Messenger, E-mail, They had it all! Like I said Kings! For a day it seems. The ever evolving world wide web. (www)  Just swallowed them up in offerings of other providers. And as every generation comes and goes it seems some things, stories, times do too.

Ever hear the story that a Parent had to walk to school with no shoes up hill both ways? I know a few of us here at Bertera Nissan of Auburn Ma have. Some have probably even told that story. If so then you probably were born in the later 70’s or early 80’s. You also knew that a snow day was spent outside! You would put on your 15 layers including scarf and the “suit” with moon boots to go build the fort before all the other kids came around for the snow ball fights.  If you were really on your game you would of shoveled the drive way only to pile the snow in one spot to dig it out as an igloo you could hide in. A.K.A. The Fort! Those were the days…  Days of youth past. Now it is Xbox , Ps3 and Wii that seem to be the play grounds of youth. You do not have to be a child to play any of these tho. There are plenty of mature games as well. In honesty you should probably check what games your child is playing and see if it is appropriate. If they play that is. haha! Even better you can get right down and play with them. Bonding at its finest. No, it is not playing catch, hide and go seek, or passing around the football. And any of those are more than fun as well. But if you child plays video games too. Well then, why not play as well. How did we get here?  Oh yea, Snow Days…

Just our rant for the day.

Hope you had a great day and keep smiling,

Bertera Nissan

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