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Bertera Nissan in October!

See that? Yes that..  We are all decorated up for you to come and check out our Showroom here at Bertera Nissan.  And right in front of you is our last Leftover 2013! 2013 Nissan Quest LE with dual roofs, Leather Heated Seats, Entertainment System, and Navigation. See that and more of our specials...

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Something I found for the D-I-Y out there.

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Do It Yourself :), Just Jereme | Posted on 28-09-2010


Now we all run into project and little things we see other people make. Little things to extravagant items…  Myself.. I do enjoy working outside or in the garage. Yes I do enjoy working on my motorcycle most.  But to see some of the things others come up with. And that you could do too.. Now those are worth sharing. So.. About that. Well I was searching through my type-pad blog and found 2Modern Design Talk and on the main page was a write up about Karen Bertelsen and her DIY Fire Pit for cheap. Now Cheap being the price.. Not the product.  Just so you can get a glimpse of what I mean….


Karens Fire Pit


On her page she goes into great detail on how to make this fire pit in great detail.  I’d suggest taking a look and maybe… Just maybe, you mite find your next project right here. We all know its the season to sit by the fire. So why not have it be one you made.  I think something like this mite be in mine soon… 😉

Again.. Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan

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