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Happy Birthday Bertera Nissan

I was thinking and I always say its my birthday month… My Birthday is in October and its always been a running joke that I celebrate “the month of….” And it dawned on me that it is also the Birthday Month of Bertera Nissan. In Oct 2007 Bancroft Nissan became Bertera Nissan. So...

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Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme | Posted on 22-09-2010

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We are starting our Fan to Win phase of Facebook here at Bertera Nissan.  Just one more reason to Choose Nissan!  We will be putting a prize on the line at different points and for different reasons on our Bertera Nissan FB Fan page.  We are always trying to figure out new ways to give back to our community. Just this past week we GAVE AWAY a NISSAN VERSA!   We have even had talks about using our FB Fan page for that next year.. So stay tuned!  And if you can please.. Suggest us to your friends. It could just win you something from us in the future!

The contest at hand is pretty simple.  Once we hit 500 fans I need you to show up in the showroom here at Bertera Nissan in Auburn, MA.  Ask for JEREME ERLANDSON (mon-fri 9-5) and be the first to let me know you helped us to 500 fans.  AND YOU WIN!  We all like some free stuff so get us some fans so I can start handing them out.  🙂

Who knows…   Maybe once we hit 10,000 that Versa just mite be on the line..  

Well as always.. Keep Smiling and have a great day!

Bertera Nissan