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Tis the Season

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Holiday | Posted on 21-12-2009

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Hello all,

So I was asked to write another piece and I rather enjoyed that. 🙂 As it is the season of giving and receiving “gifts.” Now I see what just happened as a “gift.” You see, someone asked me to write some more but I saw something different… My gift…  Yes I am stuck here. Because the fact that someone wanted to read some more of what I have to say was almost overwhelming.  I rather enjoyed that moment. (as I previously stated)  But also made me think of this season in general. I love the way people tend to be this time of year.  Giving without reason.. Well there is a reason but that tends to be in the background. The act of selflessness I find amazing.  Not that these things don’t happen all year long but they seem to be in abundance this time of year. People tend to get closer to there families and friends. Why? Because people take down there guards. You know those pesky walls we all have.  And enjoy other people. And I always say.. Attitudes are contagious. P M A! (referenced from one of my previous posts)

Yes I work for a Nissan Dealer and we sell Nissan’s. But I see so many more smiling faces on our employees and customers this time of year. Everyone has there own reason…  A holiday that is in route.. a new year.. some believe each year is a new start. A resolution they are looking forward to.. Many different reasons. But spirits are high!

You may be one of those thinking who is this crazy man stating all these things.. I for one have a huge family and this is really the only time of the year we all get together. And great times are had by all. Everyone seems to be able to leave there troubles behind and just have a good time and enjoy the holiday cheer. We laugh and reminisce of older times in simpler times… But we all enjoy each others time spent.  And that is a huge part of my life’s holidays that I enjoy.

Onto my advice.. We all get up everyday and go through our motions. Each and everyday. And we all have a set of rules that apply for our days.. Even if we do not realize it.  I get up on every day I can with the intention of having a great/fun day. It was once said that if you are able to find something you love and do, do it for a living and you will never work a single day in your life. Now that would be ideal for most of us and some are actually doing this. But if we all thought about it… There is a reason, if not a love, for what we already do. I know most reading will think I am crazy..  (I might be)  But…  There was a reason each and every one of us is doing what we are. And it could be as simple as providing for our families.. For there love and happiness drives us to do what we do. Why not take that joy/feeling with you?? Sometime all we need is that little push. Or reminder… Whatever it is. For me.. It is the little things.. A smile, wink, shared glance (no not the weird ones.. haha), or even a friend saying.. Hey, why have you not writing any inspirational stuff lately. Those moments are keepers. And ones to call upon in times if need.

Well I am wishing you all a Happy Holiday!  Be safe.. and Be MERRY!


Bertera Nissan December Deals

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Holiday | Posted on 07-12-2009

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Well tis the season.. 🙂

 Bertera Nissan has some specials going on for the Holiday season and I wanted to share with everyone I could so I posted them in our Facebook page. Lets face it.. A lot of people just do not get the paper or read it like they have done in the past. Sooo I try to get the word out to as many people as I can. In addition for the month of December Bertera Nissan will pay you for refurals. You must send them to me (Jereme Erlandson) and let me know in advance. Upon sale and delivery of there new or pre-owned car I will pay you $50.00!  Makes me think of that saying ” Help me.. Help you..” And we all walk away smiling. So if you know anyone let me know and send them my way. I will greatly appreciate it and hopefully be giving you your own little gift. 

Thanks for reading!  🙂
