Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme | Posted on 12-03-2014
Well a great question came up and I would of thought it was a no-brainer. Is it ok to text a customer? Now I am not saying that you get their number and start texting away. I am asking if you think it ok to ask and would you consider it professional. I have asked a few people and have gotten mixed reviews on the matter. Some have said they think it may not be in our best interest as its not professional. That an e-mail or a phone call should be your means for contact with a customer or client of Bertera Nissan. My own opinion would be that once you establish communication it is ok to offer as a form of contact. So… What do you think? If you could let us know you thoughts in the comments it would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to comment on Bertera Nissan Fan Page also.
Side note here, if you do not know the origins of the work ok. They are worth the read. Google OK and Old Kinderhook then read up. I did not know any this before yesterday.
Thanks for reading and Keep Smiling!
Bertera Nissan
So my journey in the Nissan Juke has begun. I must say I am excited! It has been awhile since I could say wow that seemed fun behind the wheel. And really with a little over 200 miles on the Nissan Juke so far that is what I would say.. Its Fun! So I will be Playing the Gas Mileage Game all over again. In the Nissan Juke I also have the advantage of being able to make it FWD or AWD so this could come into play with my mileage. I do try everything I can even down to shutting down the A/C… I did re-set the system when I started driving so I am aiming to get the base line in the next few days.. I think it will be in the 25-26 range and then we shall see where it goes.. Do you drive a Juke? I would love to hear what some of you are getting and any tricks you might have? I will say the air pressure in your tires can be a factor! Be sure to Check your Tire Pressure regularly. This can be a huge factor in your Gas Mileage, because if your tire pressure is to low your gas mileage can actually go down as well. Next week I should start my dash pictures of the Nissan Juke! Until then…
Keep Smiling!
Bertera Nissan
After 3,798 Miles here is my final shot of the 2013 Nissan Rogue actual gas mileage.

26.8 MPG I would say is VERY GOOD for an All-Wheel-Drive SUV. What do you think? Is there anyone that would care to share their dash pic so we can see what your getting after so many miles? I am in a Nissan Frontier for the next few days. I got in last week and the dash was 15.8 and I have already seen a jump to 16.8 mpg just by driving aware of it and trying to get better gas mileage. Simple really, Never really stomping on the gas. Leaving a little early so not to feel “rushed”. It should be a couple of days before I get my next new car and can start this all over again.
I really did enjoy driving the Nissan Rogue. Found it to have plenty of room for even me. ( I am a bit larger at 6′ and not so skinny) We shall see what is in store for my next Nissan in the Gas Mileage Game!
For now…
Thanks for reading!
Bertera Nissan
Ok, to be honest I do not think I am going to hit 30 miles per gallon while I have time to drive the 2013 Nissan Rogue. Do I think I could.. YES! If 90% of my driving was on the highway I do not see why not. You have seen my commute to work from my previous post As I drive the Nissan Rogue. (if you had read that) Well, my efforts have seen some fruition! Here is my latest accomplishment in the world of Nissan Rogue gas mileage..

At nearly 3,000 miles I have achieved 26.5 Miles Per Gallon in my 2013 Nissan Rogue as of yesterday when I took this picture.
I I did take a trip for lunch today to Steve’s Pizzaria in West Boylston. Side note- If you have not tried this place. I do highly recommend it for the over-sized subs. So yesterday I drove to work, home, and the gym. I have decided is it once again that time to try to live a healthier lifestyle. Even if it is just a little bit. Every bit counts right? If you want to hear more about my journey into the gym and trying to eat better in a car dealership either comment on one of our social media accounts or comment on this post. I have been considering doing that as it may help more than just me. But I would like to hear form you about that. Ok, back the original program material. 😉 Below you will find a photo mapping out my trip for lunch. As you may notice there is some highway involved and I think that is a direct result of what you find directly below.

*** NEWSFLASH! 3,000 miles and….

So with a short jaunt to grab my BLT and a few others lunch today I climbed to 26.6 Miles Per Gallon in my 2013 Nissan Rogue!
Not sure if you are a fan of our Bertera Nissan Facebook page but I have been posting every so often what I am getting for mileages in my 2013 Nissan Rogue. A few fans that have gave me their input and I have had a few discussions with lead me to believe that 25.5 was going to be where I would end up for gas mileage. That was the average I encountered with information I had gathered. I had put a post out on our Bertera Nissan Google + page but the only response to that was the fan did not play the gas mileage game. I am very interested to find out if any of you play this game. Do you? Or do you know someone who mite? Let me know in the comments! I would love for any of you to take a picture like this and share it with us.
As always thanks for reading!
Bertera Nissan
So I head the other day that the
Nissan Rogue Named as Winner of 2013 Edmunds.Com Best Retained Value Award

Here is a clip I took from the Press release page.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The 2013 Nissan Rogue has been named an 2013 Best Retained Value Award Winner, taking top honors for SUVs under $25,000, with a retained value of 48.2 percent residual value after five years. Now in its third year, the Retained Value Awards recognizes brands and new car models that have the highest projected residual values based on their average True Market Value® (TMV®) price when sold new. if you are looking for other nice cars to buy, you might want to get the just listed 1968 Mustang GT fastback.
Read the complete release on
Now My Demo at the moment as you know is the 2013 Nissan Rogue if you have been following my Gas Mileage Game at all. I am averaging 25.6 MPG in the 2013 Nissan Rogue I am driving at the moment with just a wee bit over 1,000 miles. Now I consider that very good as my commute is a whopping 6.7 Miles.

Click for Directions to Bertera Nissan
being a larger guy I still find that I have plenty of room to roam in the 2013 Nissan Rogue. Plenty of room for others as well. Even behind the driver it is not a compact by any means. But very easy to maneuver as well as park. I do not have the Class Exclusive Around View® Monitor in the particular 2013 Nissan Rogue I am driving but it is also available. As I drive the rogue I find it to be very roomy and holds all my stuff quite well. Large enough to hold what you need equipment wise or people and small enough to be nimble and easy to park. I am really enjoying my time driving the 2013 Nissan Rogue. If you would like to ask me about it feel free to contact me here or on any of our Social Networks.
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We aim to be as connected to you as possible. Please reach out to us! Comment on our Bertera Nissan blogs with any Feedback. Like us and our posts on Facebook or if you have something to say, feel free to do that as well. We love to hear from you! As well as see pictures of you and your Nissan. Like a tweet from Bertera Nissan? #Re-tweet us! We love it and will re-tweet you if you tag us in a post. You can Follow along with My Gas Mileage Game.. On this blog or on our Facebook Page as I plan to continue this with every Nissan I get to drive.
Thank you for reading!
Keep Smiling,
Bertera Nissan
Now maybe your wondering what this Gas Mileage Game is.. It is actually really simple and not as much a game unless you make it one. You play by trying to get the best mileage out of your vehicle and mine happens to be a 2013 Nissan Rogue from Bertera Nissan at the moment. I started this game when I got in the Nissan Rogue and at my first tankful of gas with 375 miles with an average of 23.6 I was feeling pretty good.
I was so proud of the MPG, so I posted about it on my Facebook wall. But, I was amazed at the responses on Facebook that said: “easy lead foot,” “way to go Mario!” and more. Mind you, the Window Sticker (Monroney sticker) calls for a combined mileage of 24 and I do not drive the highway to or from work. (About 7 miles each way.) So, my thoughts were that this was good gas mileage in the 2013 Nissan Rogue!
So, my excitement of getting what I thought was good gas mileage was brought to an abrupt end. But that is where the game comes in! Now I am on a mission to better the gas mileage. You might be the type who fills their gas tank when you visit the gas station or the other type like me. I tend to put in $10 here and $20 there occasionally a little more or less. As I type this I see how little sense it makes but I do it anyways. Now with that being said I have what I would consider about 2 tanks down with 659 Miles on the 2013 Nissan Rogue. I would love to be able to ask you what I am at now.. But I will just show you.

24.7 Miles per gallon is my average as we speak! I am feeling pretty good about it as well. I have heard rumors of people getting north of 27 Mpg in their 2013 Nissan Rogue but have not reached that in mine. I will say that very minimal highway driving was done in this 659 miles and I could see getting more if I had a longer commute and it included mainly highway miles. A majority of mine have just been commuting back and forth to work that whole 7 miles down route 12 in Oxford and the back road into Auburn, MA, that brings me to work at Bertera Nissan.
So I left work yesterday and drove to the gym in Dudley. Then, I went to a friend’s house in Worcester, MA, to watch the Bruins game. Just that little bit on the highway, and bam look at that average miles per gallon!
25 Miles Per Gallon is my average after a short trip down 395 and 290 from Oxford to Worcester back (and to work this morning). Now that I know I can def. get more.. I am very interested to see what others get for Gas Mileage in their own Nissan Rogues. So, I am asking you! Leave a comment below, post a photo to our Bertera Nissan Facebook fan Page, send in a photo to our website, or any way you would like to contact us. We want to know what you get for gas mileage in your Nissan. Do you play the Gas Mileage Game? If not, think you will try it? Or, are you a “lead foot” driver and would rather experience the thrill?
Thanks for reading! Looking forward to your input on this one.
Keep Smiling,
Bertera Nissan – Jereme

What do they mean to you? At Bertera Nissan in Auburn Ma it might be a little bit of a different story than it is to you or how it has been in the past. Do you remember waiting or watching the new to see if your school rolled by on the bottom of the screen. Probably the only time you would even watch the news as most time was spent outside playing. Watching ever so carefully as not to miss your school go by and when you did see it run to the kitchen to get the house phone to call your closest friends homes. You even knew their phone numbers. No smart phone. No Facebook. No Twitter. No Social media. I would go so far as to say no E-mail and also no visiting any kinds of website too. Some of you might of had it but even those that did either barley checked it or didn’t reply. It was mainly for the chain e-mails and jokes to read and pass along. AOL was king! We collected an e-mail address from a customer the other day with an AOL account and it even sparked up a conversation. Where did they go? Web browser, Instant Messenger, E-mail, They had it all! Like I said Kings! For a day it seems. The ever evolving world wide web. (www) Just swallowed them up in offerings of other providers. And as every generation comes and goes it seems some things, stories, times do too.
Ever hear the story that a Parent had to walk to school with no shoes up hill both ways? I know a few of us here at Bertera Nissan of Auburn Ma have. Some have probably even told that story. If so then you probably were born in the later 70’s or early 80’s. You also knew that a snow day was spent outside! You would put on your 15 layers including scarf and the “suit” with moon boots to go build the fort before all the other kids came around for the snow ball fights. If you were really on your game you would of shoveled the drive way only to pile the snow in one spot to dig it out as an igloo you could hide in. A.K.A. The Fort! Those were the days… Days of youth past. Now it is Xbox , Ps3 and Wii that seem to be the play grounds of youth. You do not have to be a child to play any of these tho. There are plenty of mature games as well. In honesty you should probably check what games your child is playing and see if it is appropriate. If they play that is. haha! Even better you can get right down and play with them. Bonding at its finest. No, it is not playing catch, hide and go seek, or passing around the football. And any of those are more than fun as well. But if you child plays video games too. Well then, why not play as well. How did we get here? Oh yea, Snow Days…
Just our rant for the day.
Hope you had a great day and keep smiling,
Bertera Nissan
Anyone listen to Jamin 94.5 jam scam this am? Now as funny as it is.. This is a real threat. They made a prank about the woman handing “someone” in service her keys to here brand new car. Now not only was this her first brand new car but she was in for her first service. So without knowing.. In the scam she states clearly she just handed her keys to someone with a dealership shirt on and left.. He told her she is all set. BIG NO NO… Do not leave unless you see a Service Adviser explain what your having done. See a Repair Order Written and sign it inside the Dealership. The real scary issue here is the fact that if this were true she basically gave her car away… I’m not 100% but your insurance may have issues as well.. Were there was no robbery. The dealership is not at fault… You car was never really there.. So besides the jerk who is taking peoples cars.. Who would they look to blame? You… Not that it goes that way but lets aim to avoid this at all costs. So your dealership has lanes to drop off your car in like we have here at Bertera Nissan and porters to park your car. If you have not previously meet these people it will never hurt to go in and ask. Hey.. Is that who I give my keys to. It is even is a great idea. What to take it to the next level of security.. Snap a photo with your phone of the person you gave your keys. We all know your Instagramaccount could use another photo. haha
So in all reality just be aware of whats going on and who you are dealing with. Whether your bringing in your very first New Nissan or a Used Nissan the Service Department at Bertera Nissan has not ever had this happen and we never want it to! I just could not help writing about this today after I heard that Jam Scam this am.. It was funny.. But that is because I knew it was a prank. When you buy your new car.. Make sure you get to know who is in service. And if its your first time in. Make sure you let them know.
That about wraps up my blog entry for today.. Sorry its been so long sense my last and I will get back on here more often!
Here is to you having a great day!
Bertera Nissan
Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Just Jereme, Lifestyle | Posted on 07-03-2011
Something a bunch of us here at Bertera Nissan have gotten into… Remote Control Trucks.. Mainly Traxxas at the moment.. Ranging from the Rustler, Slash 4×4’s and a Stampede. So far we have gotten all of these in the Brushless form but using Cell batteries. I know I may be speaking another language here for some but I will describe a bit as we go. (taking a little left from our main topics..)
Now the engines (brushed or Brushless) as I stated we have the Brushless models. These accept two types of batteries where the brushed version wont. Brushed will only use the cell batteries and brushless will also accept a lithium battery. I have yet to try a lithium only because of a video I saw that the battery exploded! And man did it damage the Stampede… So in an effort of keeping cost down we have not yet gone there.. But these things FLY. Now we have not gone out and bought a radar gun or anything but figure we are running almost all of them in the 40mph range. Yes that was read right.. 40 Miles Per Hour. 1/10 scale trucks like those available at Truck Yeah Pickups for sale. Like I said.. They FLY. On the trucks we drive most ( Stampede and Slash 4×4) we have changed out the optional gear for higher top speeds. Again only using eyes here it was not a huge change but I would figure a 5-10mph difference. Out of the box there good for 35mph.
So I plan to post about these from time to time as its something a few of us here have gotten into here. Yes you mite catch us staying late to race around our trucks or meeting somewhere to see what we can do.. Jumps/Bash/Race. Its just a good time I tell you. 😉
Now if this is something your considering.. Keep in mind its not just a buy and done… Parts WILL Break and you will want to change others.. Bodies, Wheels & tires (Ive already changed all my wheels), and parts as they break. I would like to find a Nissan Titan Truck Body. Maybe once my truck body is broken. Now these trucks do take a beating… So don’t think it will fall apart in your hand but as I said they do like 40…. Hit something and come to a sudden halt and something may have broken. It happens.. 🙂 Upgrading is something we mite get into as time goes but for now it has just been really fun driving them around hitting jumps here and there..
I will try and get some photo’s/videos or our after hour activity with these up soon. Just aiming for a little out of the Box from us as Bertera Nissan!
Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Do It Yourself :), Just Jereme | Posted on 28-09-2010
Now we all run into project and little things we see other people make. Little things to extravagant items… Myself.. I do enjoy working outside or in the garage. Yes I do enjoy working on my motorcycle most. But to see some of the things others come up with. And that you could do too.. Now those are worth sharing. So.. About that. Well I was searching through my type-pad blog and found 2Modern Design Talk and on the main page was a write up about Karen Bertelsen and her DIY Fire Pit for cheap. Now Cheap being the price.. Not the product. Just so you can get a glimpse of what I mean….

On her page she goes into great detail on how to make this fire pit in great detail. I’d suggest taking a look and maybe… Just maybe, you mite find your next project right here. We all know its the season to sit by the fire. So why not have it be one you made. I think something like this mite be in mine soon… 😉
Again.. Keep Smiling!
Bertera Nissan