Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Nissan Juke | Posted on 03-09-2013
Ok, to be honest I do not think I am going to hit 30 miles per gallon while I have time to drive the 2013 Nissan Rogue. Do I think I could.. YES! If 90% of my driving was on the highway I do not see why not. You have seen my commute to work from my previous post As I drive the Nissan Rogue. (if you had read that) Well, my efforts have seen some fruition! Here is my latest accomplishment in the world of Nissan Rogue gas mileage..

At nearly 3,000 miles I have achieved 26.5 Miles Per Gallon in my 2013 Nissan Rogue as of yesterday when I took this picture.
I I did take a trip for lunch today to Steve’s Pizzaria in West Boylston. Side note- If you have not tried this place. I do highly recommend it for the over-sized subs. So yesterday I drove to work, home, and the gym. I have decided is it once again that time to try to live a healthier lifestyle. Even if it is just a little bit. Every bit counts right? If you want to hear more about my journey into the gym and trying to eat better in a car dealership either comment on one of our social media accounts or comment on this post. I have been considering doing that as it may help more than just me. But I would like to hear form you about that. Ok, back the original program material. 😉 Below you will find a photo mapping out my trip for lunch. As you may notice there is some highway involved and I think that is a direct result of what you find directly below.

*** NEWSFLASH! 3,000 miles and….

So with a short jaunt to grab my BLT and a few others lunch today I climbed to 26.6 Miles Per Gallon in my 2013 Nissan Rogue!
Not sure if you are a fan of our Bertera Nissan Facebook page but I have been posting every so often what I am getting for mileages in my 2013 Nissan Rogue. A few fans that have gave me their input and I have had a few discussions with lead me to believe that 25.5 was going to be where I would end up for gas mileage. That was the average I encountered with information I had gathered. I had put a post out on our Bertera Nissan Google + page but the only response to that was the fan did not play the gas mileage game. I am very interested to find out if any of you play this game. Do you? Or do you know someone who mite? Let me know in the comments! I would love for any of you to take a picture like this and share it with us.
As always thanks for reading!
Bertera Nissan
So something came up on our Bertera Nissan FaceBook Fan Page where a car battery would drain after being left for a period of time. Now something that is not always recommended but can be a great idea if your Nissan is left unattended for a period of time. Even if your Nissan is not left for long periods of time the Battery Tender can extend the life of your battery. What really happens when you turn “off” your car? Well even those we believe it to be off.. There are still items at work. Even the smallest items that we may never ever think of like the radio holding your stations do take the smallest amount of energy. Even you miles on the dash take up a little bit. Over time these little items that we never think about do add up. They create what is called a draw. As they draw power from the battery. Now over night it is not a big deal. In some cases a couple of days or even more may not cause you any alarm. You get in and your car starts. But it could cause a dead battery even if your car is left “Off” for an extended period of time. I am sure you wonder how long it takes but there is not really a gauge for this. So, if you plan to leave your car for anything over a day/night you might want to look into a Battery Tender. As I stated before even if not you may as it could extend the life of your battery. A simple fact is that your car battery does not want to be run down.(discharged) It wants to have a fairly stable amount of charge. The more run down it gets and the less of a charge it will end up holding. And when the battery no longer wants to hold a charge. Well that is when it is time to replace the battery. By placing a Battery Tender on your Nissan it will aim to keep the battery at a full charge. That makes for a happy battery. I can not say that this will make your battery last forever because it will not, but it could help prolong its life. As well as not leave you with a dead battery, and car, in the am when we are all rushing out the door. We can only hope this tip can help a few Nissan owners out! To help those of you who do not know what a Battery Tender is here is a photo with a brief description.

- Complete 4-step charging program (initialization, bulk charge, absorption mode and float mode) that maintains batteries at full charge without overcharging via its 4-step charging system
You can find this particular Battery Tender on Amazon or request one from our Parts/Service center at Bertera Nissan.
Thank you for taking the time to read our rants!
Bertera Nissan
Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Holiday, Lifestyle | Posted on 31-10-2012

Taking a moment to wish you a safe and Happy Holiday from us at Bertera Nissan!
In the comments we would love to hear what your favorite memory of Halloween has been in the past or present.. Be is a costume you have seen.. I think this mite be the best I have ever seen…

Do you have a costume that can beat the one seen in the image above? Bertera Nissan would love to hear about it. I know I would be shocked to see this drive by. Do you know someone that would do this? Only if our Sales Team At Bertera Nissan had thought of this sooner. Imagine waltzing into our Nissan Pre-Owned lot and having a Nissan Car seat jump up to greet you. “Welcome To Bertera Nissan!” When else could Bertera Nissan really get away with this? Only in today’s world! You may want to remember this., because it might just happen next year at our dealership. And, all in good fun of course! Hope you all have a Great Holiday and now it’s onto Christm…Oh wait, cant skip Thanksgiving! Even though the shopping outlets would like you to believe it is Christmas before its even Halloween, let’s not forget Thanksgiving! Have you seen all the Christmas gear out before Halloween this year? We certainly have and, man, it really takes you back a bit. Because Bertera just loves the holidays, especially Halloween, we see this thrilling holiday as one that should really be done up right. Perhaps you think Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday you need to break out all kinds of decorations for, but at least wait until then to put up your mistletoe. Does anyone agree? Let us know in the comments!
Oh hey… While we are here. Who wants a FREE OIL CHANGE.. Yes.. FREE!
Become a Fan on our Bertera Nissan Facebook Fan page and you are entered. Pretty simple huh.. We thought so too..

So to wrap up todays’ rant… Have yourself a great holiday… A.k.a Halloween!
Thanks for Reading!
Bertera Nissan
Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan | Posted on 11-03-2010
Times are changing and the world really is getting smaller. Not in size per say.. But who would of thought that you could get a message to the other side of the world in what.. seconds. Re-connect with people you haven’t or wouldn’t of ever seen again because of the screen your looking at right now. When I think about Face Book being the #1 visited site on Christmas it really makes me think how small the world is. I understood when it was google that was #1 as so many people use it. From looking up sites to asking a question. Where do you go for answers? Google I bet.. Because even if your looking for a site that has the answers your probably going to google it to get there. But yes Facebook was #1 on Christmas and why.. because we are all connected in this “small world”. With the Facebook’s, Myspaces, twitters, multiple forums, blogs, and even more ways to connect with people. Or re-connect for that matter. Is the world really a big place? I know my uncle was in japan a couple of months ago and outside of the time difference he was a text away. And for that matter most of these Social Networks are now available on your phone. You don’t even need to text. You can input your “Status” right from your phone. You no longer have to e-mail (although you can from your phone) but send them a message on there social network or instant message them. Also right from your phone. Insert Social Media… Now this is the latest and greatest wave of advertisement. And for the most part it is free.. Well all but the time it takes to participate properly.
Even right now I put one of our cars up on E-bay and I get people that are interested from all over the country. We have sold several GT-R’s at this point on only a few have been to local customers. Granted that car might not be considerd an every day driver for most of us out there.. But to think people can find us from anywhere at anytime can be shocking. And a bonus at the same time. The world wide web and many other mobile tools help everyone stay connect and able to reach or meet people all the time.
I know even for me. I am “meeting” new people all the time. Some in person and alot from the web. As well as being able to stay in contact with people I would never of been able to in the past. You probably know ecaxtly what I am talking about on that one. Well thats my rant for today 😉
Hope your all having a great day!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Holiday | Posted on 30-11-2009
Hello all!
I just wanted to take a moment and wish you a great holiday season! With Thanksgiving week now in our past.. It’s on to a more merry season. 😉 I do hope all of you enjoyed time with family or that someone special. (even if that person is just u)
Here at Bertera Nissan our Christmas tree just went up in the showroom. The decorations are starting to come in and should be in full swing by the end of the week. I do love the spirit that normally comes with the festivities this time of year…
Happy Holidays to you all!!
Bertera Nissan
Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan | Posted on 23-11-2009
As a major demonstration of the confidence they have in their CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) equipped in the Murano Since 2003, the Versa, Cube, Sentra, Altima, Rogue, Maxima and Quest now have CVT transmissions as well. Nissan today announced that they will INCREASE the factory warranty on the CVT from 5yrs/60,000 miles up to 10 YEARS/120,000 MILES! Not only affecting current new vehicles but also including models built all the way back to 2003, hows that for standing behind your product! Our Service Dept. has all the details and also info that may help you if you have repaired a CVT equipped Nissan outside of the original warranty coverage, yes that means you may be eligible for a reimbursement! If you have question please contact our service Dept. here at Bertera Nissan.
Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan | Posted on 04-11-2009
Well here we are at Bertera Nissan and we have some specails going on that I think you should know about!
And also keep in mind..