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Stock or Not?

Are you the type to modify your car with Nissan Accessories, or is your car just used for transportation only? We see many cars a day in our Nissan Service Department, and our dealer is always mixed between cars that are stock (and daily drivers) to the tricked out customs that almost make the car...

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Nissan Juke

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme, Nissan Juke | Posted on 07-10-2013


So my journey in the Nissan Juke has begun.  I must say I am excited! It has been awhile since I could say wow that seemed fun behind the wheel. And really with a little over 200 miles on the Nissan Juke so far that is what I would say.. Its Fun! So I will be Playing the Gas Mileage Game all over again.  In the Nissan Juke I also have the advantage of being able to make it FWD or AWD so this could come into play with my mileage. I do try everything I can even down to shutting down the A/C…  I did re-set the system when I started driving so I am aiming to get the base line in the next few days.. I think it will be in the 25-26 range and then we shall see where it goes.. Do you drive a Juke? I would love to hear what some of you are getting and any tricks you might have?  I will say the air pressure in your tires can be a factor! Be sure to Check your Tire Pressure regularly. This can be a huge factor in your Gas Mileage, because if your tire pressure is to low your gas mileage can actually go down as well.  Next week I should start my dash pictures of the Nissan Juke!  Until then…

Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan 

2013 Nissan Juke Nismo is HERE!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Nissan Juke | Posted on 03-09-2013

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Have you had a chance to check out the 2013 Nismo Juke yet? The Nissan Juke has arrived at Bertera Nissan and we took a couple photos to share with you. If you could let us know what you think of it? Like it.. Or love it!

I saw a black one on the lot as well!

See our Nissan Juke Inventory here.

20130829_13524220130829_135246Nismo Juke 20130829_135253 20130829_135258 20130829_135304 20130829_135328 20130829_135334 20130829_135342 20130829_135406 20130829_135415 20130829_135424 20130829_135428 20130829_135434 20130829_135457 20130829_135507 20130829_135520 20130829_135524 20130829_135639 20130829_135632 20130829_135625 20130829_135621 20130829_135611 20130829_13560520130829_135548 20130829_135539 20130829_135535 20130829_135531

We welcome the addition of the Nissan Juke to our lineup here at Bertera Nissan.