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We are starting our Fan to Win phase of Facebook here at Bertera Nissan.  Just one more reason to Choose Nissan!  We will be putting a prize on the line at different points and for different reasons on our Bertera Nissan FB Fan page.  We are always trying to figure out new ways to give back to our...

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New Years is here!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Holiday, Nissan Rogue | Posted on 30-12-2013


Bertera_Nissan LOGO RED end of year

With 2 days until the new year and 4 days until our year ends it is quite the busy time here at Bertera Nissan. Being the End of the Year it is a Great Time to Buy a Nissan! Nissan has had a huge year with many completely redesigned models releasing in 2013. I cant wait to see what 2014 brings! We will aim to spread the  Nissan word with our channels..  Bertera Nissan Youtube, Bertera Nissan Twitter, Bertera Nissan Facebook Fan Page, Bertera Nissan Google+, Bertera Nissan Linkedin, and of course our very own website www.BerteraNissan.com. These would be our main social sites. Is there another site you believe we should be on? Let us know in the comments. We do not want to miss out and love to check out new things. Just like the Nissan Rogues new fold flat floor.  That is so cool! Have you seen it? You can check it out in our Go Rogue Video on our Bertera Nissan YouTube Channel. And many other videos we have on our Bertera Nissan YouTube Channel. In wrapping up our 2013 year here at the dealership all we can do is think about working for an even bigger and better 2014 at Bertera Nissan! Wishing you all well and to have a safe and fun New Years!

Thank you for reading,

Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan

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