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2013 Nissan Rogue – How to – Bluetooth System.

Here are some operating tips on how to use your Bluetooth Hands-free Phone on your 2013 NISSAN Rogue equipped with Bluetooth. Still have questions?  Feel free to comment or reach us on one of our social sites. Bertera Nissan FaceBook Bertera Nissan Google+ Bertera Nissan Twitter Bertera Nissan YouTube We...

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To Text?

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme | Posted on 12-03-2014


Well a great question came up and I would of thought it was a no-brainer.  Is it ok to text a customer? Now I am not saying that you get their number and start texting away. I am asking if you think it ok to ask and would you consider it professional. I have asked a few people and have gotten mixed reviews on the matter. Some have said they think it may not be in our best interest as its not professional. That an e-mail or a phone call should be your means for contact with a customer or client of Bertera Nissan. My own opinion would be that once you establish communication it is ok to offer as a form of contact. So…  What do you think? If you could let us know you thoughts in the comments it would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to comment on Bertera Nissan Fan Page also.


Side note here, if you do not know the origins of the work ok.  They are worth the read. Google OK and Old Kinderhook then read up. I did not know any this before yesterday.


Thanks for reading and Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan


2013 Nissan Rogue – How to – Bluetooth System.

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Nissan Rogue | Posted on 06-01-2014


Here are some operating tips on how to use your Bluetooth Hands-free Phone on your 2013 NISSAN Rogue equipped with Bluetooth.

Still have questions?  Feel free to comment or reach us on one of our social sites.

Bertera Nissan FaceBook

Bertera Nissan Google+

Bertera Nissan Twitter

Bertera Nissan YouTube

We aim to reply/respond to all of our customers on any platform we are on. You can also go a more direct route and reach us on our Bertera Nissan Website Contact Form Page.  Also remember you can stop by the dealership at any time that we are open and we will gladly help you in any way we can. We do hope this video helps you better understand your Bluetooth System and get more out of your Nissan!

Thank you for reading.


Bertera Nissan

New Years is here!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Holiday, Nissan Rogue | Posted on 30-12-2013


Bertera_Nissan LOGO RED end of year

With 2 days until the new year and 4 days until our year ends it is quite the busy time here at Bertera Nissan. Being the End of the Year it is a Great Time to Buy a Nissan! Nissan has had a huge year with many completely redesigned models releasing in 2013. I cant wait to see what 2014 brings! We will aim to spread the  Nissan word with our channels..  Bertera Nissan Youtube, Bertera Nissan Twitter, Bertera Nissan Facebook Fan Page, Bertera Nissan Google+, Bertera Nissan Linkedin, and of course our very own website www.BerteraNissan.com. These would be our main social sites. Is there another site you believe we should be on? Let us know in the comments. We do not want to miss out and love to check out new things. Just like the Nissan Rogues new fold flat floor.  That is so cool! Have you seen it? You can check it out in our Go Rogue Video on our Bertera Nissan YouTube Channel. And many other videos we have on our Bertera Nissan YouTube Channel. In wrapping up our 2013 year here at the dealership all we can do is think about working for an even bigger and better 2014 at Bertera Nissan! Wishing you all well and to have a safe and fun New Years!

Thank you for reading,

Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan

Nissan…. Bottom Line Event!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Bertera Nissan Blogs | Posted on 22-10-2013


So the Fall has arrived! Were the leaves turn and the leaf peepers peep.. The Model years also turn to 14 in this end of the model year happens each and every year. The 2013 Leaves are falling off the tree’s and the 2013 Models prices fall and all making room for the new 2014 ones! Just as the leaves change… So do the Model years.  From now until they are gone its clean up time for the 2013’s left on our lot. We already have some 2014 Nissan Models here on our lot so we need to Clean the leaves…  And sell off every and any 2013 we have here to make even more room for the new 2014 Nissan Lineup. Why wait for the End of the Year… The Bottom Line Sales Event is going on now! As we sit with about 30 2013 Nissan Altima in stock at the moment, it’s time to act! The 2014 Nissan Altima is already here and on the ground so you can choose from the 2013 or 2014 if you would like. Do not miss this event!

See you soon!

Bertera Nissan



Nissan Juke

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme, Nissan Juke | Posted on 07-10-2013


So my journey in the Nissan Juke has begun.  I must say I am excited! It has been awhile since I could say wow that seemed fun behind the wheel. And really with a little over 200 miles on the Nissan Juke so far that is what I would say.. Its Fun! So I will be Playing the Gas Mileage Game all over again.  In the Nissan Juke I also have the advantage of being able to make it FWD or AWD so this could come into play with my mileage. I do try everything I can even down to shutting down the A/C…  I did re-set the system when I started driving so I am aiming to get the base line in the next few days.. I think it will be in the 25-26 range and then we shall see where it goes.. Do you drive a Juke? I would love to hear what some of you are getting and any tricks you might have?  I will say the air pressure in your tires can be a factor! Be sure to Check your Tire Pressure regularly. This can be a huge factor in your Gas Mileage, because if your tire pressure is to low your gas mileage can actually go down as well.  Next week I should start my dash pictures of the Nissan Juke!  Until then…

Keep Smiling!

Bertera Nissan 

My time in the 2013 Nissan Rogue has come to an end…

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Bertera Nissan Blogs, Just Jereme, Nissan Rogue | Posted on 20-09-2013


After 3,798 Miles here is my final shot of the 2013 Nissan Rogue actual gas mileage.
2013 Nissan Rogue Gas Mileage

26.8 MPG I would say is VERY GOOD for an All-Wheel-Drive SUV. What do you think? Is there anyone that would care to share their dash pic so we can see what your getting after so many miles?  I am in a Nissan Frontier for the next few days. I got in last week and the dash was 15.8 and I have already seen a jump to 16.8 mpg  just by driving aware of it and trying to get better gas mileage.  Simple really, Never really stomping on the gas. Leaving a little early so not to feel “rushed”. It should be a couple of days before I get my next new car and can start this all over again.

 I really did enjoy driving the Nissan Rogue. Found it to have plenty of room for even me. ( I am a bit larger at 6′ and not so skinny) We shall see what is in store for my next Nissan in the Gas Mileage Game!

For now…

Thanks for reading!

Bertera Nissan

2013 Nissan Juke Nismo is HERE!

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Nissan Juke | Posted on 03-09-2013

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Have you had a chance to check out the 2013 Nismo Juke yet? The Nissan Juke has arrived at Bertera Nissan and we took a couple photos to share with you. If you could let us know what you think of it? Like it.. Or love it!

I saw a black one on the lot as well!

See our Nissan Juke Inventory here.

20130829_13524220130829_135246Nismo Juke 20130829_135253 20130829_135258 20130829_135304 20130829_135328 20130829_135334 20130829_135342 20130829_135406 20130829_135415 20130829_135424 20130829_135428 20130829_135434 20130829_135457 20130829_135507 20130829_135520 20130829_135524 20130829_135639 20130829_135632 20130829_135625 20130829_135621 20130829_135611 20130829_13560520130829_135548 20130829_135539 20130829_135535 20130829_135531

We welcome the addition of the Nissan Juke to our lineup here at Bertera Nissan.

The hunt for 30 MPG Continues! – Nissan Rogue – Choose Nissan

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Just Jereme, Nissan Rogue | Posted on 22-08-2013

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Ok, to be honest I do not think I am going to hit 30 miles per gallon while I have time to drive the 2013 Nissan Rogue.  Do I think I could.. YES! If 90% of my driving was on the highway I do not see why not.  You have seen my commute to work from my previous post As I drive the Nissan Rogue. (if you had read that) Well, my efforts have seen some fruition!  Here is my latest accomplishment in the world of Nissan Rogue gas mileage..

2013 Nissan Rogue Gas Mileage

At nearly 3,000 miles I have achieved 26.5 Miles Per Gallon in my 2013 Nissan Rogue as of yesterday when I took this picture.

I I did take a trip for lunch today to Steve’s Pizzaria in West Boylston.  Side note- If you have not tried this place.  I do highly recommend it for the over-sized subs.  So yesterday  I drove to work, home, and the gym.  I have decided is it once again that time to try to live a healthier lifestyle.  Even if it is just a little bit.  Every bit counts right?  If you want to hear more about my journey into the gym and trying to eat better in a car dealership either comment on one of our social media accounts or comment on this post.  I have been considering doing that as it may help more than just me.  But I would like to hear form you about that.  Ok, back the original program material.  😉  Below you will find a photo mapping out my trip for lunch.  As you may notice there is some highway involved and I think that is a direct result of what you find directly below.

Trip for lunch to Steves pizza

*** NEWSFLASH!  3,000 miles and….

2013 Nissan Rogue Gas Mileage 26.6


So with a short jaunt to grab my BLT and a few others lunch today I climbed to 26.6 Miles Per Gallon in my 2013 Nissan Rogue!

Not sure if you are a fan of our Bertera Nissan Facebook page but I have been posting every so often what I am getting for mileages in my 2013 Nissan Rogue.  A few fans that have gave me their input and I have had a few discussions with lead me to believe that 25.5 was going to be where I would end up for gas mileage.  That was the average I encountered with information I had gathered.  I had put a post out on our Bertera Nissan Google + page but the only response to that was the fan did not play the gas mileage game. I am very interested to find out if any of you play this game.  Do you?  Or do you know someone who mite?  Let me know in the comments!  I would love for any of you to take a picture like this and share it with us.

As always thanks for reading!


Bertera Nissan

Quick Tip – Nissan Battery – Bertera Nissan

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Bertera Nissan, Do It Yourself :), Uncategorized | Posted on 08-08-2013

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So something came up on our Bertera Nissan FaceBook Fan Page where a car battery would drain after being left for a period of time.  Now something that is not always recommended but can be a great idea if your Nissan is left unattended for a period of time.  Even if your Nissan is not left for long periods of time the Battery Tender can extend the life of your battery.  What really happens when you turn “off” your car?  Well even those we believe it to be off..  There are still items at work.  Even the smallest items that we may never ever think of like the radio holding your stations do take the smallest amount of energy.  Even you miles on the dash take up a little bit.  Over time these little items that we never think about do add up.  They create what is called a draw.  As they draw power from the battery.  Now over night it is not a big deal. In some cases a couple of days or even more may not cause you any alarm.  You get in and your car starts.  But it could cause a dead battery even if your car is left “Off” for an extended period of time.  I am sure you wonder how long it takes but there is not really a gauge for this. So, if you plan to leave your car for anything over a day/night you might want to look into a Battery Tender.  As I stated before even if not you may as it could extend the life of your battery.  A simple fact is that your car battery does not want to be run down.(discharged)  It wants to have a fairly stable amount of charge.  The more run down it gets and the less of a charge it will end up holding.  And when the battery no longer wants to hold a charge. Well that is when it is time to replace the battery.  By placing a Battery Tender on your Nissan it will aim to keep the battery at a full charge.  That makes for a happy battery. I can not say that this will make your battery last forever because it will not, but it could help prolong its life. As well as not leave you with a dead battery, and car, in the am when we are all rushing out the door.  We can only hope this tip can help a few Nissan owners out!  To help those of  you who do not know what a Battery Tender is here is a photo with a brief description.

Battery Tender

  • Complete 4-step charging program (initialization, bulk charge, absorption mode and float mode) that maintains batteries at full charge without overcharging via its 4-step charging system

You can find this particular Battery Tender on Amazon or request one from our Parts/Service center at Bertera Nissan.


Thank you for taking the time to read our rants!


Bertera Nissan


Welcome to Bertera Nissan! Service Center

Posted by BerteraNissan | Posted in Auto, Bertera Nissan, Bertera Nissan Blogs, Do It Yourself :) | Posted on 23-07-2013



Hello World!

Well we are going to do something a little different today. I would imagine some of you have never been to Bertera Nissan… Right?  So just in case you decide you want to visit our Bertera Nissan Service Department, how about we show you around and even sell you some pf the car parts for tuning they buy from online stores like shoppok.  We are going to do a little tour. Lets call it Tour by Photo!


Here is what Bertera Nissan looks like from Rt.20 Auburn as you pull onto Oxford Street South.
Frome the Street

From the Street View

As you pull in you will see our Customer Parking for sales is out front
You must also pull around to the front for Bertera Nisssan Service.

Customer Parking

Parking out front for Bertera Nissan Sales/Parts customersSales Customer Parking

If you require service Pull into either of the left bays marked Service.
Service Entrance

If the doors are closed pull right up to them and they will automatically open.

The Express Lane you see to the right is where we perform your Express lube

Bertera Nissan Express Lube can be seen in action by clicking here.

Make sure to pull into one of these two Bays.

Service Entrance

You will be greeted here in the service lane.
Vehicle Drop Off Area

Once your Nissan is tagged head in here to
Bertera Nissan Service Write up area.Entrance to Service Write-Up Area

Write-up Desk. Bring your tag here
and see an Advisor for Write-up.

Service Counter/ Write up area

Tall Tables in the waiting area if you choose
you may work here and use our guest Wi-Fi

High top tables you may choose to work in.

Or lounge in a bit more comfort in our couches.Comfortable Couches to watch TV or Read in While you wait.


Watch the Flat Screen TVFlat Screen TV in the Waiting Area

Have a Complementary water while you wait we
also have FREE Coffee and a vending machine
Our Water Fridge. Have one!

For the kids…
Or the kid in you!

This Machine holds MANY Games.Bertera Nissan Arcade

Parts DisplyParts Display Counter

Bertera Nissan Cashier/Rental AreaCashier and Rental Area







Now that you may be a little familiar with how to get around our Bertera Nissan Service Center here are a few places that might help you find us online.

Here you can Book you Bertera Nissan Service online

And some of our other Bertera Nissan sites

Bertera Nissan Facebook
Bertera Nissan Twitter
Bertera Nissan YouTube
Bertera Nissan Linkedin
Bertera Nissan Website
Bertera Nissan Blog – WordPress
Bertera Nissan Blog -Cast